CEM has slightly higher mean glandular dose than DBT, mammography

Allegretto Amerigo Headshot

Contrast-enhanced mammography (CEM) has a slightly higher mean glandular dose (MGD) than other breast imaging modalities, according to research published January 15 in the American Journal of Roentgenology.

A team led by Jeremiah Sanders, PhD, from the Mayo Clinic in Phoenix, AZ, found that MGD per breast was higher for CEM than for full-field digital mammography or digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) alone. However, it was also reported that the MGD of CEM was less than that of combined full-field digital mammography-DBT.

โ€œThese findings are relevant to ongoing considerations of the role of CEM in breast cancer screening pathways,โ€ the Sanders team wrote.

Radiologists continue to explore the potential of CEM in clinical use, with previous studies highlighting the breast imaging modalityโ€™s boosted sensitivity and specificity compared to other such imaging methods. These studies also suggest that CEM could be a useful tool in imaging dense breasts, in which standard mammography struggles to image.

While previous research has compared the MGD between CEM, DBT, and full-field digital mammography, the researchers pointed out that these studies compared distinct groups of women and had small sample sizes.

Sanders and colleagues conducted a retrospective, intraindividual comparison of MGD between these three modalities, as well as a combined protocol using both DBT and full-field digital mammography in women undergoing breast cancer screening.

The final analysis included 389 women with a median age of 57.4 years who had an elevated risk of breast cancer. The women underwent breast cancer screening by combined mammography-DBT and CEM between 2019 and 2021. The team evaluated a total of 764 breasts (383 left, 381 right) and gathered MGD and BI-RADS data from DICOM metadata and radiology reports.

The team reported that CEM had a higher MGD per breast (combining craniocaudal and mediolateral views) than full-field digital mammography and DBT. However, it remained lower than that of combined mammography-DBT.

Mean glandular dose (MGD) of breast imaging modalities
Mammography DBT Combined mammography-DBT CEM (overall)
Median MGD (mGy) 4.07 4.97 9.38 5.87
Corresponding effective dose value (mSv) 0.49 0.6 1.13 0.7
Median MGD (Breast density category B) 4.01 5.93 N/A 5.9
Median MGD (Breast density category C) 4.22 4.93 N/A 6.02
Median MGD (Breast density category D) 2.7 3.17 N/A 4.52

In terms of BI-RADS breast density categories, 306 women had BI-RADS C exams, 44 had BI-RADS B, 39 had BI-RADS D, and no women had BI-RADS A.

The study authors highlighted that the corresponding effective dose values in the study are โ€œwell belowโ€ annual background radiation exposure in the U.S., about 3.1 mSv.

They added that they did not explore the MGD of combined CEM-DBT, though they acknowledged that this combination could eventually become more commonplace.

โ€œThese two modalities provide complementary information, as supported by a recent study showing increased early cancer detection through the addition of CEM to DBT screening in women with a personal history of breast cancer,โ€ the authors wrote.

The full study can be accessed here.

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