Lung CAD wins payment milestone

Dear AuntMinnie Member,

The emerging technology of radiography-based lung computer-aided detection is set to get a boost in January, when new regulatory codes will take effect in the U.S. making it easier to get reimbursement for the procedure.

The American Medical Association (AMA) has issued a Category III Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) code for x-ray lung CAD, with the code going into effect on January 1, according to an article we're featuring in our Advanced Visualization Digital Community by contributing writer Cynthia Keen.

Radiography lung CAD is still an emerging niche, with just a few companies participating in the segment. Those that are developing x-ray-based lung CAD software hope it will prove to be a more economical alternative to CT-based lung CAD.

The AMA decision could be a shot in the arm to the segment by making it more profitable for radiologists to use x-ray lung CAD. Get all the details by clicking here.

In other news, AuntMinnie is heading to Chicago later this week for radiology's showcase conference, the RSNA show. You've already seen our comprehensive Road to RSNA preview -- stay tuned starting Sunday for our RADCast@RSNA, featuring daily reports from McCormick Place. Just go to

Also, if you happen to be on the technical exhibit floor, stop by the AuntMinnie booth #4901 in the South Building. We'd love to say hello, and on Monday, November 28, between 1-3 p.m. we'll be featuring a special event with Michael J. Cannavo, PACS Guru, and Dr. Sam Friedman, the Dalai Lama of PACS.

You've read Mike and Sam's commentary on the PACS market on -- on Monday you'll be able to meet them in the flesh and ask them your questions about the topsy-turvy world of PACS.

See you in Chicago!

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