GE HealthCare brings StarGuide to Canada

GE HealthCare has delivered its first StarGuide SPECT/CT scanner in Canada to Nova Scotia Health’s QEII Health Sciences Centre.

The acquisition is part of a 6-million-Canadian dollar ($4.4 million U.S.) project that is being equally funded by QEII Foundation donors and Nova Scotia Health. The QEII Foundation is raising 3 million Canadian dollars ($2.2 million U.S.) to support the acquisition of two StarGuide scanners as part of the Foundation’s 100-million-Canadian-dollar ($73,1000 U.S.) We Are campaign. The first StarGuide arrived in late May and the first patient will undergo imaging on the scanner by mid-June. The second scanner is tentatively scheduled to arrive in 2025.

StarGuide offers a 12 CZT detector design that scans patients in 3D to help provide more information to clinicians. It is also tailored for certain theranostics procedures. The scanner aims to help clinicians identify the size, shape, and position of lesions and allow physicians to tailor treatments more effectively.

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